For a special issue of the Journal of Social Work Education, the Council on Social Work Education is calling for articles that address the advancement of social work education to meet the goals of The Grand Challenge to End Homelessness.

Themes of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Curriculum integration strategies for teaching about homelessness
Educational strategies, outcomes, and approaches for teaching about homelessness
Mentoring models for students interested in becoming leaders in homelessness research, advocacy, or practice
Service learning examples with homeless service agencies
University–community partnerships for education, homelessness research, strengthening homeless services, or supporting homeless service users
Student-engaged and student-led homelessness research projects, including community-based and participatory action research studies
Innovations in field education to expand homelessness-related internship opportunities and training
Student experiences and lessons learned from engaging in homelessness service provision, research, service, or policy advocacy activities
Manuscripts are due via electronic submission by December 3, 2018. Please direct questions to guest editors. Amanda Aykanian at or Benjamin Henwood at